
Plumma Espresso Cafe and Conference Center  

Posted by Stan Harrington

For those living in the LA area, coming soon to your fair city is the new Plumma Espresso Cafe and Conference Center, a new business that my son in law, the Plumma and my daughter have been working on for some time. Knowing his love of the plumbing industry as well as his taste for good coffee, it is only natural that it would be just a matter of time before they developed a marketing plan that could combine both features. I wish them success in their new venture.

Their strategy is well thought out and cost of construction will be reduced due to the fact that the Plumma can do all of the required plumbing and has been collecting fixtures for several years. At first you might consider this concept as ridiculous, just as I did when they first approached me with their marketing concepts. However, I am now convinced that the concept is very good and in the future I foresee franchises being offered on the market.

Before you consider it ridiculous, consider a few basic facts: (1) How many times have you been sitting in a "cafe" enjoying a cup of coffee, visiting with friends or just contemplating life when mother nature calls. You have to get out of your seat, walk across the room and wait in line to gain access to the appropriate restroom. By the time you have returned to your table, your espresso that you are paying $4.50 for, is now cold. (2) How many boring, long conferences have you attended that the speaker has forgotten to take a break, you pay very little attention while squirming in your seat hoping that they will take a break soon so you can make a dash for the "john". (3) Most businesses conduct some type of conference at varied times of the year, a lot of company money is lost during these conferences due to the decline in production and salary costs for employees attending conferences. With the new conference room at the the "Plumma Espresso" a full day conference can be reduced to less than four hours due to the fact that no "potty breaks" or lunch breaks will be required. The comfortable seating arrangements are full service toilets, when the need arises you will not even need to leave your seat and your coffee will not chill, you can even continue to eat your lunch is you so desire.

With the Plumma and the Screamer working the kitchen and their three daughters hustling drinks and acting as hostesses, I can foresee a great future for them on their path to success.

Curb Appeal of Plumma Espresso Cafe

No Need For Table Napkins,
A Roll Of Charmin Is Provided At Each Table

Hands Dirty?
Just Lift Up The Table Top And Wash Away

This entry was posted on November 25, 2007 at Sunday, November 25, 2007 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


I did hear rumor they were discussing remodeling their home...you know...the neighbors have and well this structure would add to the neighborhood. I am sure Jolla would love living next door to a giant toilet...and if the coffee thing does not work...their is already one "boarding house" in the area...tenants could not complain about the bathroom being busy.

11/25/07, 11:13 PM

Stan, you are my hero.

11/26/07, 12:10 AM

Classy joint, Stan. I can see great potential as it has been described. This would, definitely, not be a s#!thole to conferences in LA.

11/26/07, 5:02 AM

I forgot one other unique feature, for those desiring water or soft drinks to drink instead of espresso, the fountain area utilizes a "bidet" to dispense drinks.

11/26/07, 8:15 AM

Does someone know something that I do not know? I was looking at a blog site this am and noted that there was a NEW hyperboleprattle COOL site listed. Being of the curious sort, I clicked on it and found myself at this site!

11/26/07, 8:23 AM

well, every time you update your site, it will now show new or cool (or something) on mine. It will also arrange my links by those most used.

I probably have enough (or have thrown away) bathroom fixture to furnish this fine establishment.

I would hate to be the one to clean up after that group of rowdy kids that find it funny to drop a load in the chairs.

11/26/07, 8:43 AM

That is the concept, they can drop a load and never have to leave their seat. We know everytime you take a kid to a cafe, they always have to get up and go explore the bathroom - now they do not need to leave their seat!

11/26/07, 8:57 AM

Nice decor, won't match Java Girls but novel enough to be a smash hit.

11/29/07, 12:18 PM

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