It is a good thing that I stay up late to monitor Blog Sites while the blogger is asleep, unaware what their sites are doing when they are not looking. It appears, my daughter in law, Ms. Moose, is leading a double life, one in LA and also posing as a male in India! Upon the discovery, I called the "tinker" to notify her of the emergency, which led to my second discovery, the Alpha Female Wolf does not like to be called at midnight! Before you rush to this site to see what has transpired, you may want to go slowly as I cannot guarantee that you will not catch something you don't want. I took a quick peek and ran, but was there long enough to see what I assume is two sites mingling with one another and I do not want to go there! Those are the great pictures that Erica took and posted to her site, asking that they not be used, but unless Erica has grown a beard since I saw her last, that is not Erica in the profile picture. I can hardly wait to hear the rest of the story.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago