In the event that you failed to read in my comments, we will be seeing another person appearing in our comments and hopefully will find the time to set up a blog site, but this may take time since he is on the road most of the time. I am assuming that the DOT frowns upon the truckers that drive our highways when they drive an eighteen wheeler and blog at the same time. Brother Bill, using the handle of Ranger Bill, is now on line and appeared in the comments section on my site today. Looking forward to a future Blog Site, as he is driving across our nation, he is going to have some great stories and plenty of time to write some of his Cowboy Poetry.
In other, Harrington News, we can expect to see a new family of Harrington's moving to Alaska. Bill's son, Matt and his wife Amber will be moving up within the next several months. He is in the Army and will be returning home from Baghdad. At this time, it is not know whether he will be stationed in LA or that other town up north.
I was doing some serious thinking today, I came to the conclusion that when I die, I want to die like my Grandpa, peacefully in sleep, not screaming like all the other passengers in his car.
I was also thinking of Shana, I am never one to give advice, however in this case, Shana if you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirian bottle, "Take Two aspirian" and "Keep Away From Children"
After looking at our National Test score averages for our high school students, I am really concerned. Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student, at least they can find Afghanistan and Iraq.
While sitting on the phone today, listening to the menu, which I detest even more than Word Verification, I got to thinking, "Why in the hell should I have to press 1 for English when I live in America"
The Plumma and Homer are so cynical, but I finally figured out something that they can both be positive about, "I believe I'll have another beer"
And, just so Homer does not think that I forgot his Birthday, give me call big guy and Happy Birthday to you!
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago