With the leaves turning colors and the Sand Hill Cranes overhead, the final chore of closing down the Hole In the Wall Recreational Area for this season came to a close today with the retiring of the colors.
I have spent the last two days at the HITWRA completing the close down chores, it was great with a fire in the pit, it was just a great atmosphere to button things down. The "Duck House" serves yet another purpose as a multi-purpose room. Not only was it used for the original intention, as a place to rest and a museum, the kids loved it as a playhouse and in the end, it is great for a storage room. If you arrive early next year and want to put up the "cook Tent", it is neatly stowed away in the "Duck House".
The "Moose Camp" has been buttoned down for the winter, hopefully with the measures that has been taken, no little animals will find their way in to make themselves at home during the long winter.
The "Krok Pond" landscaping project that Mother Moose worked on during the summer came out very well, the flowers are in full blossom. After looking at them for two days, I would not be surprised if just a few of them end up in my perennial garden next spring.
The "Wolf Den" was an ideal spot to stow some extra gear, the master suite bungalow provided a great place to stow the picnic table and other items in order to keep them dry for the winter. They should come through the snows in good shape, if the "Wolf Den" does not collapse.
"Arnies Garden" is in good shape, the flowers have went to seed. The "Hammer Plant" should make it through the winter, I mulched it real good. The Snake and Mouse voted to remain outside for the winter and have made a little home in the logs. Mr. Blue Jay was there this morning when I arrived, but left abrutly when I started the fire.
The "Bear Den" got a winter cover as well and is ready for the onslaught of winter, although I think if Blonde Bear has her way, it may still be used prior to the first snowflakes. Remember the sign (Bear Clan) that everyone thought was stolen, well today while covering the den, I found the sign in the grass so it is now appropriately displayed in the event a salesman comes buy and wants to know who lives there.
The Buffalo Clan took their "Wallow" home with them to avoid the slide zone next spring. With all the rain we had last week, things were just drying up nice so as my last chore, I took the opportunity to see if I could level off their wallow spot just a little more. It was not as dry as I thought, but by going into four low, I was able to get unstuck twice before I gave up on it. We can clean it up next spring.
We all know how reverantly excited the Plumma Wolf gets over dimensional lumber and dunnage, I insured that all of the dimensional lumber was neatly stacked on a platform above the high water mark so he will be able to sleep this winter, knowing that his beloved lumber is high off the ground and won't have any root rot next spring.
With the "Duck House" being used for storage, if there are any winter visitors that need to use the facilities, I have set up a temporary facility using Grandma Mary's Bench and Arnies Toilet seat. It will not be as warm and cozy, but it should work for the winter months.
Everything has been tarped over for the winter, however, if you are missing a tarp next spring it is up to all of you to sort out who has who's tarp as I used them as I needed them knowing that you would not mind.
As Golden Granny was scaling the Granny Trail up the bluff to the Eagles Nest, Dutch, Fred, and I drove out of the recreational area with memories of one of the best summers that I have had in many years - Thanks for the memories.
Until the next gathering of the Clans:
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago