This segment is used for the sole purpose to satisfy an argument that occurred this spring pertaining to the Buffalo and if they are native to Alaska. As usual, one should believe in the visions and knowledge of the great Eagle.
Wildlife Notebook Series: American Bison - Alaska Department of Fish and Game: "American Bison
American bison (Bison bison), which shaped the lifestyle of the Plains Indians and figured prominently in American history before they were brought to near extinction, were transplanted to Alaska from Montana in 1928. While bison were the most common large land mammal in Alaska thousands of years ago, all of Alaska's existing wild bison came from 20 animals released near Delta Junction. Natural emigration and transplants have now created additional herds at Copper River, Chitina River, and Farewell. Small domestic herds are located at Healy, near Kodiak, and on Popov Island. There were approximately 700 wild bison in the state in mid-1985. "
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago