A whole new concept of where to carry your cell phone! The story behind this strange location for a cell phone occurred in a El Salvador prison. The prison guard become suspicious when he heard a phone ring, but no phone was in sight. The prison officials completed x-ray's on seven prisoner's, finding cell phones in each of them including one prisoner that stowed an extra battery. They were mob leaders and utilized the phones to communicate with their amigoes outside the prison. There is so much humor waiting here to be exploited. Can you hear me now?
I think I saw this guy driving taxi the last time I was in LA! He looks awful familiar. If you are wondering, this is a Proboscis Monkey and is not indigenous to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
"Get In My Tummy" This 198.5 pound Python has a slight problem, one he is laying in the roadway but his biggest problem is that he has swallowed a pregnant Ewe. For those of you that like snakes, this particular specie makes a great yard snake if you have a problem with neighborhood cats, dogs, or all the neighborhood kids like to congregate in your yard.
Now, this one is way to good to tell you what it is, let your imaginations run wild and see if you can guess what it is - have fun with your humor! What a great trivia picture.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago