My boss called snow says up here the two days, it is pretty and white and fluffy. I woke up this morning with hot coffee and a shoveled drive way. Then the neighbor plowed out in front of the house. I am loving the snow, sitting here all snuggly at home in my fat pants watching it come down.
Great come back from senator McCain.
Fat pants? Suggest you shovel more snow! If you do not have enough to shovel, come on down your mother would love to bond with you on the deck!
The time is now, 11:21 pm still snowing, snow is now up to the windows on the front deck and up to the door knob on the back porch due to prevailing winds. No end in sight!
While I can appreciate Heidi's perspective of sitting inside in my fat pants with a cup of warm coffee watching the snow come down, the kind of days movies are made about and one of the memories I hold dear. It is however the aftermath that I do not appreciate. The cold wet snow and the removal of it. The driving in it and the inevitable accidents around town from the bad roads and careless drivers. Heidi if you could place up a web cam for those of us who are now going through "Spring", I would greatly appreciate it. As for our snow we have gotten more, it was almost an inch, and it melted that same afternoon with the above 40 temperatures.
As for what Senator McCain's comment: RIGHT ON! I love it. The guy has a sense of humor! From what I am hearing though he has not faired well in the races so far. Too bad. I think America needs a little sense of humor!
Hey Stan get on Yahoo messenger! Heather has been trying to call you but you are never on! (She wanted me to tell you, so you have been told!)
Hey I said the pants are fat not me!
0845: House bound, snow above window heights on front deck, hot tub now just a mound, best guess estimate until we can get a measurement, 24 to 32 inches. A nice moose did break trail around the house and onto the driveway which the dogs took advanatghe of, but would not stray from the moose trail. To Nebraska, as soon as I learn how to turn on IM I will be on line but with the difference of hours, it may be hard to catch me but we will give it a try. As for Senator McCain, he won the New Hampshire primary and within a ferw percentage points of Rommney for the National lead in the polls, if you want to bleieve those.
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- Stan Harrington
- Stan grew up fishing the rivers and marine waters of Cook Inlet since the 1950's. Retired from the U.S. Navy in 1983. Stan and his family owned and operated Anchor Angler Tackle Shop on Anchor River for twenty-two years. He was the host of the popular daily radio program, "Kenai Peninsula Sport Fishing Report" on radio stations KGTL, KPEN, and K-Wave for fifteen years. Stan retired from business in 2007 and continues to live in Anchor Point, Alaska.
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