Comfortable Camping Experience  

Posted by Stan Harrington

It has become my goal to make your camping experience at the "Hole In The Wall" Recreational Area as pleasant and memorable as humanly possible. The "shelter" that was fully utilized and enjoyed by all will be erected and ready for occupancy prior to your arrival, weather and water level permitting. Many hours of labor and material has went into the "multi-purpose" building, giving you a safe, clean environment to reflect and contemplate life in general. I will ask that you keep it clean so Donnie will not have to spend much time doing clean up chores each day during his fire watch. This will be an added asset this season, the facilities was less than desirable last year. It is very difficult to hide under the willows in order to spy upon the clans when ladies are utilizing the facilities right behind you. The wood pile was also less than desirable, without my direct supervision, the wood was not stacked properly and was precariously leaning which was a potential safety violation, especially for the little people. To correct this, a firewood rack will be installed prior to your arrival which will permit you to stack the wood neatly and off the ground. The rack will be located in a different spot this season, currently where the wood storage area was located last year, is under three feet of water, it is the lowest point in the campground area.
Being the born leader that she is, Heidi came up with some very good suggestions in her Blog posting yesterday pertaining to useful things that you can do to make camping a little less stressful, especially when it is raining and three trucks are stuck in the middle of the campground.
I have also come up with several other ideas that will make you more comfortable with the some of the basic amenities that you enjoy at home. Water: Good quality and quantity of potable water has always been a problem regardless of where you camp. However, this can be easily remedied. At some location in LA, since they have went out of style, there are a good number of "water bed" mattresses that you can acquire for a few dollars, less than $10.00. A twin size water bed mattress is slightly smaller than the bed of a pick-up and will hold a couple hundred gallons of water. Two mattress should provide all the water that you will need to sustain life for several days. By draping a "blue tarp" over the bed of the truck, you would also have a great tent and bed for the little people to sleep instead of the hard ground in their tents!
ELECTRIC POWER: Although not a real necessity, it would be nice to have power inside the campground without having to stretch 1.5 miles of extension cords from the "Eagle Nest" to the camping area. We have two young ladies that are constantly working on their muscle toning, loosing a few pounds and getting in shape for the wrestling season. We also have two very well qualified "shade tree" mechanics and one electrical lineman, between the tree of them I am sure they can come up with an idea of how to install a "generator" on your mothers stationary bike. With Brit and Noe taking turns peddling they should be able to provide enough amps to meet our needs. During the darker hours, if we had a second generator, we could install one on your mothers treadmill and I know she could generate the power that we need, especially if we hook up some batteries to stow the excess that she and the girls generate. FIRE PIT: The clan fire pit, although meets or exceeds state approved fire pits, I was concerned throughout the summer that we would have one of the kids hurt if they tripped, as it turned out, Homer was the only one to fall intothe fire! I will try to improve the fire pit this season to insure we do not have an accident. However, all camping trips the smoky fire has always been a problem. Within a few minutes everyone smells like wood smoke. This is caused from wet wood or the fire not burning hot enough. Again, we have the talent within the clans to correct this. The solution would provide a hot fire and utilize less firewood. The Plumma also has a very good knowledge of heating systems. To me, it would be a simple process to install a underground line from the "methphane" pit bringing it to the surface under the fire pit. There is constant source of gas being generated from the pit that is going to waste and should be utilized. At the commencement of the season, we will need to insure that "Homer" spends a lot of time in the multi-purpose building in order to have a constant flow of gas until sufficient deposits can be made. MUD AND STUCK VEHICLES: This was a major problem this past season and will remain a problem as long as we enjoy the privacy of the bowl area. We not only have to contend with the rain but also the drainage from the high ground that surrounds us on three sides. In my walk about yesterday, the area that I laid the typar this past year and all of you were so kind as to haul in gravel to cover it, that area has a remained intact this year and undisturbed from the water level. During the GS cookie sales campaign, there was some controversy pertaining to the payload of the Chevrolet compared to the Ford. Each of my four children drive Chevrolet's so this will provide them an opportunity to demonstrate their payload capacity. I figure that if each Chevy makes 9 trips to the beach and returns with a full load of gravel, which would be a total of 36 loads, it would be sufficient to cover the entire bowl area with fresh, clean gravel. Just yesterday, I took my old Chevy pickup that I use to plow snow and discovered that it will also work as a "poor man's road grader" by back blading. I smoothed out my driveway utilizing this method. As you haul in gravel, I can back blade it into place and it will eliminate a lot of raking, although that would also be good exercise for Brit and Noe. Remember, we also have a new clan of "Woodpeckers" plus a very big Buffalo Calf that should be fully utilized in this operation. As you can see, I have given great thought in identifying some problems we have had in the past, serious consideration as to how we can make your camping adventure pleasurable, and as a good leader, have also provided the solutions to those problems. It is now time for you to take action!

This entry was posted on May 5, 2006 at Friday, May 05, 2006 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


Father the ground work foreman will be there a week early...I am glad to hear all my planning on the layout of the damn gravell was not washed away...I am more than willing to "haul" more I know where there is an endless supply...BUT...with gas prices as high as they are...maybe we could speak to Danny and Nicki...they have a dump truck...If we all took shovells and their dump truck we could do it in ONE load......Upper body strngth is a must for proper growth and development...even T could have her chair parked and a "shovel made" that she can handle...this should keep the kids busy for at least a couple of days right??? As for the "electricity" for those that need it...GET A LIFT!!!...give it up...that ol bear does not care if your hair is "straightend" nor sister do the rest of us smell you UNLESS you take a smoke is the best "deoderant" there is!!! Cheap too. As for "dry fire wood" when the pile I have is gone...should not take more than a day it is all VERY DRY, we can feed my husband beans...that will take care of the fire pit problem...and in my back yard I found plenty of "piping" to run the length from the out house to the fire pit...good ider dad...but if you put Britt on a "bike" you may just want to "pipe off her butt" too...she makes more gas than my for My largest buffalo calf...he is looking forward to coming south and being a part of the festivities this is what he misses and wants most...but his ultimate purpose...with the height factor and the lack of cell service for the phone junkies...would be to stand in the middle of the gravell pit with the caller on his shoulders...this would prevent that poor dude who has to say "yes" every time you say "can you hear me now" from going in sane! and it would give eric, heidi, noe, and anna "stress free" phone calls.

5/5/06, 7:33 AM

I just thought of something.... we need a comptuer lab/ office, with new lap tops for all!!! How will we will live for the week without Blogger?

I was pretty proud of our wood pile lst year.It was off the ground untill the old willow trees broke! But we do need a rack ... also we need to turn that Stainless sink into a kitchenet ...a counter top, few cupboards, maybe a diahwasher???

5/5/06, 7:58 AM

Now heidi is coming up with these ideas for making camping easier (wich we do every year, the ideas I mean, not implementation)and you are planning on locations we need to consider the crowd...I think we need to make a "stair case" to the plateau over looking the drive in. On this plateau is where ALL tents should be...(except maybe the one the kids play in) watching the water last year...and being the "ground supervisor" I noticed that any and all "gravell work" preformed durring a rain shower was done to "protect" the moving them to the plateau...which I noticed had no standing water durring the showers...we would not have this worry...also the terrain is not as muddy and the tents and stuff in them would stay cleaner...just means the tent campers would actually have to "walk" a little farther to go to bed!!! So now I will point out the crowd Role Call
1. Skunk Clan...(oops sorry) EAGLE CLAN...they live in the nest on the hill so will only need fire space...but they do require 2 parking spots...

2. Bear they come and go have staken out their spot and should not need too much extra attention but once again...they require 4 fire pit spots two parking spots, and a lighted path to their trailor...papa bear seems to trip in the now we are up to 7 people
3. Now population control is an issue but you wont have to worry about grass over growing the pit when we get their we need two parking spots and six fire pit spots...buddy is still a lap child if we even see him near the fire. So now we are up to 13 around the fire
4. the wolf clan will arive with their pack wich will require another parking space and five more fire pit of which MUST be handicapped accesible. (sister will beat you up and report you if you abuse the handicap laws) plus this would make it alot more relaxed and enjoyable for T as well as her parents...hope you thought of that with the "multipurpose" room. So now we are up to 18 at the fire...
Moose Clan arrives with four more bodies to fit in and one more vehicle to we see 21!!

Wood Peckers have two "little lap birdies" so they only need two seats and one parking space...

Ravens sleep in their truck so they need a "front row" parking spot and have three more bodies for around the we have 26 (I think)

Anna will also join more spot at the fire as well as another parking spot needed...

John and Elizabeth will be down again this year...Elizabeth has been talking about it since last year...John has no choice but to come or she will never let him off the hook. So anyway that is one more parking spot and two more now we have reached 29 people camping at the whole in the wall...

I am counting four or five tents...three camper...and a pick up...

parking for at least 10 vehicles...

now this is only "clans"...we usually have more body and vehicle...camping with us...and many "guest" visiting...I am thinking with three "very little walkers" running around we need to ENFORCE!!! the rule we made last year...unload your rig and move it to the "out side" of the pit....this will allow the children to play with out the adults having to constantly worry about someone getting run over...the "vehicle" barrier did not work well so maybe we could make a road block...something that is easily moved...but should be unneccassary to move unless Dawn and Jules have to leave the camp...everyone else will just have to walk a little farther...I dont need my "play pen" this year so my rig too can be moved out side the camp....any way with this many people running around...lets have a fun and safe bitchin aloud in public places...if you cant say nothin nice shut up...and everyone from anchorage is leaving their dogs hopes that we will not have to shoot fire works at barking, stealing dogs all weekend....this also eliminates the extra Poop on the ground...buddy likes dog poop....he loves the reaction he gets when he smears it all over someone!!! (I promise he is not squeamish)...cant wait for it to get here...

5/5/06, 8:04 AM

the weekend not the dog poop

5/5/06, 8:09 AM

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