Wishing all of the Mothers a very Happy Mothers Day. From a male prospective, we often overlook the important role that a mother plays in our lives, whether it be our own mother or our wives. As men, we do not always acknowledge or even see the enormous burden that you take upon yourselves to raise a family. A most common phase we use when asked something by our children is "go see your mother", because we know you will always be there to make a decision that we do not want to make. We often overlook the things that you do, not only for our children but also for us as husbands. But, we will also be the first to admit that we could not raise the family without you, you are the strength and love of the family. So today, if you have not recently talked to your mother, pick up the phone and give her a call, just to let her know you are thinking of her and at the end of the conversation, a simple "Thank You" is all that she needs to hear. Wishing all of you, Happy Mothers Day.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago