The rains continue to sprinkle upon us, just enough to make it impossible to work on my project. Tried it once, but when I touched my new chop saw, it was a electrofying experience! Fortunately it is still under warranty. This will make my third chop saw since I started the project, the loss of each of them due to electric power. We must be getting a low grade of power from the utility company! My home made extension cord and the rain had nothing to do with the other two burning up. Finished the custom made door, now I am having to make a second one to replace the first one! Seems that I forgot to measure the width and height of the opening for the door. Building would be so much fun if there not so many rules that you have to follow! But all it not lost, I hear Heidi say she wanted a counter top for her sink -I have a good one already built in the shape of a door, at least similar to the shape of a door!
Had a great auction last night, raised over ten grand which is a big increase over last year. Had a total of 40 boats to auction off. By evening end, my voice was gone, my leg was gone but it was worth the effort. One of my big items this year was a straw hat, the type you see people wearing in the tropics. One of the fishermen showed up wearing it so I could not resist in auctioning it off. Got $110.00 for it, the high bidder on the hat was the guy wearing it. I really enjoy this auction, the people attending knows that it is for a good cause and we make it fun for them to shell out their money. My good friend Don T was in attendance again last night. He and I are the only two guys that I know which wear Western cut Pendelton Shirts. He has a better color selection than I. The last two years I have auctioned off his shirt, being a good sport, he would always remove his shirt so I could auction it off. The first year, one of his friends bought it for $150.00 and gave it back to him. Last year I sold his shirt for $135.00 and he bought it himself.
The derby was suppose to be today, but at 5:30 the surf was to high to launch boats but once outside,the water was great. If we would have waited for an hour before canceling,the surf laid down and it was like a mill pond all day. The only boat to make it out at 5:30 did it the old fashion way, used the mouth of the river and had six fish boated prior to 7 a.m. when he discovered we had canceled the derby for the day. That person being your baby brother. Steve Walli bought his boat for around $300.00. So, we will try again at 5:30 in the morning!
It was a pleasant surprise to find the entire "Bear" clan blog site this evening when I opened up the computer. I think I heard a little bell tinkling in the back ground from Brother Don. Family became very important to him over the past ten years or so. Someday, I will tell the story of the practical joke that he wanted to pull on me. I only learned of it during my trip down for his memorial service. I would have been the best he had ever come up with, if he would have had the opportunity to fulfill his fantasy. Perhaps, I will tell it around the campfire one evening.
Mama Eagle surprised me today, she wants to get a fishing license this year so she can fish with me. She thinks that I will not wade the river as much as I use to and in fact she is right - very little wading and no chasing fish down river for me! She also wants her own blog site and she is going to take Heidi up on her offer to set one up for her. I will send you the information by separate email - do not want the pass word to get into the wrong hands - we all know what happens then. A pure bred,highly trained, intelligent dog and master turns into a skunk! Again, welcome to the world of Blog to the Bear Clan! Blog postings in excess of five lines are always welcomed!
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago