After twenty one years, I had the opportunity to once again sit around a camp fire with my family. It was a sense of reality that I had forgotten. Previously, my Memorial Day Weekend's consisted of brief visits to the campsites between the 18 to 24 hour shifts that we were pulling at the tackle shop with a couple of hours each day devoted to doing a radio program. This year, my total time at the tackle shop was twenty minutes, but I do have to admit that every once in awhile my thoughts would wander to what I was going to do on my next day broadcast before reality took over and reminded me that it was no longer my worry!
After twenty one years, it was the greatest Memorial Day weekend that I have experienced. Anytime a parent can share nine days with their four children and their mates, along with twelve grandchildren and two great grandchildren, it does not get better than that. The first time the entire family was together as a unit, all twenty five of us! Toss in the friends that camped with us or stopped by to enjoy the "fire pit" and a surprise visit by my niece, that is the icing on the cake! I am sure that Brother Don was soaring overhead, enjoying the scene and watched over us. Most likely, laughing at the antics and noticed the tears in my voice and eyes on Sunday evening. He never believed that I was a sensitive new age guy. Although, the "Hole In the Wall" is quiet now, his flag still flutters in the breeze. I will retire it in a few days and bring it home until the next gathering.
For those that read this, but were not on site to witness the reality, I am sure you will hear all the stories in the days that lay ahead. Although, we had some great times, when any family gathers, you are always going to have a few mishaps and accidents. Fortunately, none of them were two serious. We will know more as soon as the Bull Buffalo gets his MRI back. Talk about bad luck, Eric was sitting around the fire pit one evening, it was a clear night with only a few faint stars showing overhead. Shana and Heidi had developed a comedy routine, where they would cue their timing and point to the sky and shout "bird". They had just pointed to the sky and yelled "bird", but it was actually a small meteor streaking across the heavens! We all witnessed it, this little "falling star" streaked downward to earth and it just happened to break the earths atmosphere at the intersection of Eric's head. He was a little dazed and complained of a headache, but I think it was a Coors ache! The following night, the same thing occurred, again the meteor struck Eric in head. Now one time, a person could almost say it was coincidental, but two nights in a row, one has to wonder about divine intervention! The only other mishap occurred when Mama Buffalo smacked "Little Buffalo" up side the face with a cast iron skillet and broke his nose. Personally, I think the Buffalo Clan should have some serious counseling sessions or at a minimum some medical classes on how to treat head wounds!
As the dust settled as the LA convoy moved out of the "Hole In The Wall", Golden Granny and myself, went to work cleaning the area, she wanted to vacuum it but I finally talked her out of that, But she did manage to find three truck loads of garbage to haul to the dumpster, but we also had time to sit by the deserted fire pit, the smell of the wood smoke, and bask in the quietness of the afternoon but the sounds of the children were missing and that is what we noticed the most. Thanks to all for sharing that special time with us. Each of you made it very special and as the Duck House reminds us, "MEMORIES".
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago