Just like when I am fishing, I find myself on the wrong side of the river once again! I can see Anchor Point from here, but can't get there from here without going to the "Little Hamlet By the Sea". Now that the bridge is closed, it has surely slowed the traffic down on the highway - have not heard a car all day. That is a good thing. The family that "blogs" together has increased in size so rapidly that you can spend a lot of time going to each site. I think we are in trouble, as the little lady was leaving the house this morning to run errands,
I asked her a question and she replied, "I'll blog you"!
You no doubt have noticed the magnificent picture of the Bald Eagle that I have posted. I do this because of a recent blog posting consisting of 3.5 lines with a link to a different site pertaining this "special" bird. A patriotic symbol each of us and our great nation. If you did not see the "shorter" than normal posting, it is located on the "Erotic Screaming" site, I believe I have that name correct! This particular blogger thought it was funny that the symbol of our great nation could have been a turkey if Benjamin Franklin had his way. I believe his quote in favoring the turkey was, "The Bald Eagle is a bird of bad moral character". This is coming from a guy who decided to go fly a kite in a lightening storm with a key attached to it! The article that was linked, was very interesting, it is a great place to learn about eagles. The Bald Eagle mates for life, which further reinforces the fact that Ben did not know what he was speaking of, if taking a mate for life is morally wrong - we should all be of bad moral character! The female, as well they should, builds the nest. The largest nest ever found weighed over two tons, the tree that it was built in finally fell over - I wonder why? If possible the nest or home, is always built high off the ground so the eagle can view the surrounding area. I also discovered that the Bald Eagle suffers from "reversed sexual dimorphism". I really took offense at this because I have watch them enough during this time of the season. I know they have a very high sexual appetite! Anyone or anything that can "get er done" on the fly has to be good! Then I discovered the term "reversed sexual dimorphism" simply means that the female is larger than the male. Guess old Baldy likes his ladies big! I do want to thank the author of that particular blog site for bringing this information forward, it reinforces my concept that the "vision" that came to me in the naming of the Eagle Clan was clear and divinely inspirational. In my picture below, I have named this particular eagle "Homer", just something else that the eagle can do on the fly!
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago