Although a new comer to this form of communication, I have discovered one thing in particular about the links from the my daughters sites, they are predominantly female. Consequently, perhaps this is the perfect forum to discuss this uplifting issue. Since puberty, the Bra has always been interesting to me but only recently it has become an obsession to me at no fault of myself. I have always been a collector, good doubled barrel shotguns, antique fishing tackle, limited edition art prints and now a nice collection of bras. My collection most likely is larger than anyone that may happen to read this, including those women that wear them on a daily basis. I must admit, being the typical male I do not know very much about bras when it comes to sizes and styles. To make it easier for myself, I grade them by size of practical everyday items. Within my collection I have bras from the size of tea cups to one that I am sure will hold a basketball. Before, any of those that do not know me jump to conclusions, I am not some kind of weirdo that has a passion of collecting lingerie. Each of these items were given to me as a gift!
Perhaps it is best that I start at the beginning. I have this weird little niece, she is a neat person and I had a great time taking her fishing this past summer after fifteen years. One particular summer, she showed up at a family reunion, wearing a light colored sleeveless blouse and black bra. Instantly, my brother Don and myself started teasing her about her bra. She had a quick wit and decided to tease us a little by explaining to us that it was a "water bra" and had clear straps on it. The black bra become a laughing matter for the next couple of years between herself and the two of us. At Christmas of this year, she sent a Christmas present to me by messenger. It was the first gift that she had ever given me, upon opening it, it was the same "little black bra" that we had been teasing her about. Her card read, "I know how much you liked it, I thought you should have it" but attached to the bra was a second note that read "Little Brother, I just wanted you to know my cheek was on it first". On Christmas Eve day, I hesitantly put on her little black bra, just for a picture that I could use later against my brother or her since I am a sensitive new age guy. It was not known to us at that time that my brother would pass away two days after Christmas never seeing the embarrassing sacrifice that I made for him.
Returning to Colorado for his memorial service, the story of the "little black bra" preceded me. During my stay in Colorado, I pulled a great practical joke on one of my other nieces that lives in Colorado. She really was not use to my sense of humor and took it very seriously, to a point that she got in trouble with the security guards at the airport when she tried to go through security without a boarding pass to find out why I was returning to Colorado prior to the memorial service. It was only later in the evening when she discovered that she had been the focus of one of my jokes.
A few days later, I was visiting one of my other brothers at his home. I had been there about an hour when there was knock at the door, he answered the door to find no one there. I got up and went to the door because it was a distinct knock but no one was in sight. I had parked my car behind his truck and out of my sight from where I was standing. It was only when, he walked out to his truck and said "oh, my god", that I ventured further outside. There was the car, completely encased in shrink wrap, which was not bad enough, but mounted on the car was 25 bras. Each bra, had inflated balloons inside the cups. They were on the roof, hood, sides, back, windows and across the front was a big sign with the biggest bra I had ever seen, fully inflated with balloons. The sign read, "Our Uncle Stan Is The Biggest Boob Of All" in short order two of nieces came out from behind the house dying with laughter. Fortunately, they had caught up with me at my brothers, they had already talked to the motel manager where I was staying to insure he would not call the cops because they had intended to decorate the car in front of the motel. So, on my return trip to Alaska, I had 25 bras in my luggage and no idea what I would ever do with them. I have come up with a couple of good ideas and tested the concept, however, before I divulge that, I would like some input from all of you as to what useful purpose can a bra be used for other than the original intention. Before anyone else comes up with the idea, I already tested one concept, I thought since we are having a cold winter, they would make good ear muffs, well the first pair I tried did not work very well, as they had no padding and the material was to thin so it was of no help. Then I tried my special "little black water filled bra" because of the extra padding, it worked great but after wearing it for awhile while I was shoveling snow, I realized the water had frozen and I had frost bit my ears, but the doctor said that eventually the skin will look natural after the bandages come off and the dead skin sheds. So don't tell me to use them for ear muffs, I am smarter than that, now!
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago