The first of the season campers have arrived at the Hole In The Wall Campground, although all services are not available at this time. The backhoe is scheduled for tomorrow in an attempt to locate and dig out the fire pit and picnic table. Another beautiful day, unlike yesterday. I have not quite figured out how it could be possible but yesterday we had about two inches of snow, yet I had between 2 - 3 feet of snow to plow this morning, dependent on which way the wind was blowing yesterday. The Homer Winter King Salmon Derby is taking place today, surprisingly the Inlet laid down to where it was feasible to fish. I received an interesting email yesterday, it was from Dr. Roy Baker. I met him this summer, he was visiting Alaska and happened to be staying in Homer. He heard my radio program and telephoned me. His opening comment was "I think we could be related". He did come out to the tackle shop where we had a long visit, he is my cousin, his father would have been my great Uncle. Dr. Baker was also born in 1945. He is a Superintendent of Schools in Nebraska and still lives on the family farm. After his return to Nebraska, he sent me an unfinished manuscript that D.W. Baker had written in 1918 pertaining to the Baker family. D.W. Baker was my great grand father. In dad's diary, he mentioned working for Will Baker and Wayne Baker, receiving from $1.00 to $3.00 a day. They were brothers and Will Baker was the father to Dr. Baker. He met dad several times when Dad would go back there to visit the Harrington and Baker families. He went on to say that there are still a lot of descendents in the area and most of the old family farms are still owned by members of the Baker family. In my future travels, I hope to visit the area, see some of the things that I only heard about as a child. Retirement is going to be great!
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago