Hyperbole Trivial Pursuit Decimus  

Posted by Stan Harrington

A great turnout for Hyperbole Trivial Pursuit IX, a lot of research, history and wonderful memories for me. Today's game is going to be much easier, I would expect the first one to post a comment to be the winner. Everyone should be able to get into this genre. As a side note, JD is also hosting some great general "trivial" pictures on his blog site. The trivial questions for today are:
(1) Where was this picture taken?
(2) When was this picture taken?
(3) Did anyone you know live in the area when this picture was taken?

This entry was posted on March 24, 2006 at Friday, March 24, 2006 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


This is after the tsumami on March 27, 1964...I am going to guess the end of the spit...Lands End...never seen it so desolate thought....but the building looks similar....well father dear I would also be safe to surmise that you and mother both lived in the area at the time...Mom may have been on the Home stead still but if my memory serves me right you guys were in town at the bottom of East Hill....Now I will sat....WOW!!!! that is an awsome picture....the energy mother nature exerted here should have made man realize that there is ine force they will never be able to controll....but they can have fun trying...wanna go tornado chasing??

3/24/06, 12:54 PM

Shana -it is Lands End...didn't you see the sign? silly. And it was actually march 28th....alaskan time. Mom and Dad just got married and weren't in Phili till May of 1964 soo ...it is possible they were in homer at the time. And i would guess so was a bunch more people we know. Seeings how it is HOMER and everyone knows your name.
bUt seeeings how i have a life and once again....to slow to comment....shana wins :(

3/24/06, 3:51 PM

That was to easy and both who already posted have pretty much got it right. I know for a fact that mom was in homer at the time because I remember her describing what it felt and looked like. I think i remember her saying she was stayon at a family friend's house...

3/25/06, 9:52 AM

I am sorry. No winners. The picture is of Land's End following the earthquake of 1964. The correct date was 3/28/64. Heidi got that right, but forgot which year your mother and I were married. She was still in High School! I was in the Navy when the earthquake occurred. Both sets of parents, younger brothers and sisters were also livng here as well as Tad and his family and the entire McLay family. Will history repeat, this same area is now massive Condos, enlarged Land's End and a host of other development - sometimes I have to wonder why we do not learn from the past?

3/26/06, 2:12 PM

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