Today is my birthday, I was born at Dutch Harbor, Alaska on March 30, 2002. My mothers name was Nibiru's Molly and my father was Readventure's Artful Dodger, they still live at Dutch Harbor. My real name is Dutch Harbor Dutchman, but my friends call me "Dutch". In the event you are wondering, I am a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. The reason that our names are so long is that for our breed, traditionally the name of the kennel in which we were born is also included within our names. I left my mother and joined my "buddy" on May 18, 2002. The picture of me as a pup was taken the day that he picked me up at the airport in Anchorage, this was my first introduction to the Kenai River. The second picture was taken of me two years later in the same spot. I and my "buddy" have had a great four years, always together and have learned so much from one another. We have been good for one another, we each often wonder which one of us trained the other.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago