I am happy to announce that on this date the "keel" (some refer to it as an foundation) was laid on the construction of a dual purpose building which will be situated within the "Hole In the Wall Campground". The estimated time of completion will be in approximately ten days. This is a best guess estimation and dependent on the availability of the "plumber". The "dual purpose" use of this building will be revealed at the "ribbon cutting" ceremonies. While on the subject of plumbers, several years ago I was doing some research on the Harrington family and came across an interesting tibit that I shared with the only person in our family that knows anything about plumbing. Although, he did hear me out, I could tell by his body language that he was not buying what I was selling. Today, while searching an entirely different subject, by coincidence a familiar name came up on the internet. Recognizing it, I followed it to it's source. I will not go into all the details, however, at one time there was a gentleman by the name of Sir John Harrington. Dependent on the source, sometimes you will also see the name spelled as "Harington". In a nutshell, I will provide you this "quotation"; "Harington's father enriched the family by marrying an illegitimate daughter of Henry VIII; his second wife was an attendant to the Princess Elizabeth, who stood as godmother for John. Educated at Eton, Cambridge, and Lincoln's Inn,London, England". the research that I conducted several years ago revealed that Sir John Harrington was born in 1561 and died November 20, 1612, Kelston, Somereset, England. He married a lady by the name of Mary Elizabeth Rogers on September 6, 1583. They had ten children, with the fourth child being named Henry which was the start of the name of Henry in the Harrington family. He was primarily and I quote from the article "English Elizabethan courtier, translator, author and wit, but Sir John's name was immortalized with the invention of the flush toilet"
Sir John Harington (Harrington) was your Great Grandfather (13th time removed) and the father of James Harrington which was your Great Grandfather (12th time removed). I find it ironic that after 445 years we have a "John" in our family that is still working on the toilet that Sir John invented. This is also the reason that even today the toilet is referred to as "the john". I think that should be good for a raise in his salary. Now, I can sense all of those doubtful thoughts out there, so I would ask you to go to the following web page http://user.icx.net/~richmond/rsr/ajax/johnharington.html on this page you will find a brief history of Sir John Harington as well as a picture. Additional documentation will be forth coming in my autobiography.
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
9 years ago