Let me be the first to wish each and all a very Happy Easter. Hoping that you find your baskets full of goodies and taking just a moment to reflect upon why we celebrate this day. As a child, Easter Sunday was always a special day, living in Colorado in the spring, the green grass was just starting to appear and the days were warm. It was never even considered that the Easter eggs could be hidden inside the house! I think this was a tradition that was started in Alaska. Prior to Easter, I would spend several days gathering sticks and grass to build an actual nest out on the lawn, under a tree or beside a bush. As is most things with boys, it was very competitive to see who could build the most elaborate nest. As with Christmas, on Easter morning there were chores to do, horses to feed and water which had to be done before any festivities could take place. Carrying water to the horses in buckets, we had to walk past the lawn to get to the corrals, each trip we would scout out a few more eggs. By the time we got the chores done, we had most of the eggs spotted. Regardless of how well we scouted the eggs prior to the hunt, we never saw those that were so well hidden in the trees, in holes, and under our own nest. Easter Bunny was one smart rabbit! Once we had all the eggs found, had breakfast and consumed as much candy as we could, we would then take turns hiding the eggs once again. We would spend the majority of the day, hiding and finding eggs. There was always one special egg, that we tried to avoid as it was traditional in our family that one egg would be colored but not thoroughly boiled and anytime we ate an egg, we had to break it on our heads. There was a lot of egg trading taking place in order to avoid that one dreaded egg. The last person that got one of those eggs that I remember was Taylor! I wonder who snuck that egg into the basket - naughty rabbit! Have a good day and let the kids eat as much candy as they want!
I'M BACK!! ...if that should mean anything....
10 years ago